i'm a moron
shit, i guess i gotta go.
and i gotta come up with something else to wear on friday.
back to square one.
why yes, i do like the sound of my own voice. why do you ask?
there really was no more ideal time to do it. so off i went to the law school, armed with a bottle of antibacterial lemon-scented 409 spray, a roll of paper towels, and a few kitchen trash bags. [in the end, after seeing the things i cleaned out of there, i decided to feel no guilt b/c it was quite clear that any damage i may have done to legitimate food items was FAR outweighed by the vast array ridiculously disgusting things with long-ago expiration dates that i threw out.]
well, a few garbage bags seemed not to have been forward-thinking enough. fortunately, a quick convo with my favorite janitor remedied both that problem and the problem of lugging all of the bags out to a dumpster. good thing he left me with one of the rolling dumpsters, since i wound up clearing out about 8 full-sized garbage bags of trash. [shout out to my janitor friend. WHAT WHAT.]
if it was a can or bottle that could be recycled, i emptied it and recycled it; if it was a gladware whose owner forgot he/she put it in the fridge months ago, too bad, i threw it away; if it was a tasty-looking lean cuisine, i somehow managed to resist the temptation to move it to my own freezer at home; and if it was an exploded can of something that had stained the walls of the fridge, i sprayed the bejeezus out of it with my 409. all in all, a very solid effort.
as a matter of fact, i think someone (ahem, lexi/aaron), should use their PILA-purchased ANG thumbs up to give me a shout out in the upcoming edition of the law weekly. it is wrong to use my own on me, but it also seems wrong that the world's citizens not know of this good i have done for them. and when i say "the world's citizens," i mean "law weekly readers."
today's lesson is that cases aren't won on your skills as an advocate, or on the facts of the case, but on crazy juror bias. but sometimes, they're the kind of crazy that hands you the case. i mean, it's always good to know that justice was done.
today we did our trial ad trial, in a case involving a man who was either involved in a drunk driving accident or who committed suicide; if it was an accident, his widow and four children get the proceeds of his insurance policy; if it was suicide, they live the rest of their lives both destitute and w/o their husband/father. but here's are the facts: (1) five years ago, after he was passed over for a promotion at work, he finished his wife's bottle of valium, at least 12 pills. oh, and after this incident, when he talked about it, he said that he would not kill himself while his wife and kids were in the house. (2) he had been "severely depressed" and refused treatment ever since. (3) the day of his death he was fired from work. (4) right after being fired, he told his friend, with whom he had discussed his insurance policy in the past, that he was worth more dead than alive. oh, and he was a forklift driver with a shitload of insurance. (5) he went out to drink with his friend. he drank a lot. his BAC was .13. (6) the last thing he said before he left the bar, indeed the last words he was ever heard to say were, "say goodbye to the fellas at work for me," even tho his termination was not effective for another 2 weeks. (7) then he speeds up and plows into a tree and dies immediately.
from the very start, i have been ALL ABOUT THE INSURANCE COMPANY'S CASE. it somehow happened that i was assigned to give an opening statement for them, and every time we were assigned a direct or cross of a witness in class, it happeend that i was on the side that would be the insurance company. i mean, THE GUY KILLED HIMSELF! everything says so! it's not completely that i'm one of those people who isn't really swayed by emotion, but by facts, but in this case yes. i mean, ALL THE FACTS SAY THE GUY KILLED HIMSELF! and the widow hyde never spoke to me. not that i think she was a money-grubbing woman who was just out to take the insurance company for everything she could, but somehow, maybe b/c she was completely fictional, i just didn't see her as really sympathetic. of course, the fact that frank hyde was completely fictional didn't keep me from thinking that he was real and getting all worked up about him. i can't explain it.
anyways, when we get paired up for trial and are asked to represent a side, my partner wants to be the widow. and i figure that's fine. for starters, i just back down on things like this. and for seconders, i did know it would be good for me. since i am going to be a terrible lawyer b/c i am no good at arguing the thing i don't believe. seriously, i pick one side and then it is right and that is it. i didn't used to be this way, and the funny thing is that all of the problems they have given us in law school are specifically designed to be 50/50, so that no one side is actually right. and yet, i have always decided that one side is absolutely completely totally unquestionably correct and the other side is morons.
(tho today i was thinking about it and even tho i totally think the insurance company should win, i started to realize that i'm not actually sure they should. that doesn't make any sense, but it's just a preponderance of the evidence and i can't bring myself to think a lot of the things they say which just don't ring at all true to me (like that he had dreamed this whole "accident" scheme up to leave his insurance money to the family) and even tho i think he WOULD kill himself, and even tho i don't really think he was too drunk to drive, or at least not so drunk to explain the scene of the accident, i also don't think that 1.4 seconds really is enough time to do anything when you're plowing into a tree and i couldn't be convinced that there was no way that this wasn't an accident and that this IS him killing himself. so i suppose that i would actually have to find for the plaintiff. even tho the plaintiff's whole case just kills me.)
so today we do our trial and i pretty much sucked and it was painful and their key witness basically tore me apart on cross-examination, tho i would like to say that is not my fault, but it happened and it sucked. AND ALL OF THE FACTS SAY THIS WAS A GUY WHO WOULD KILL HIMSELF! and so on and so forth. so the jury returns a verdict for the widow. among the reasons they listed were the following:
so maybe i suppose i could say there was something positive about our advocacy b/c i think that we spun some of those things pretty well, but mostly they were voting based on what they would have thought anyways.
but the whole thing was a really good experience and now i've decided i should keep going to school and be a jury consultant b/c i think that would be fun and i would also like to say that these kids really did do a great job of being jurors. they paid way more attention then i would have ever expected and they got really into it and i can't fault them for listening to my tear-inducing closing statement and being swayed. (ok, so my closing kinda blew and the kids actually told us they weren't crazy about how we argued a case.)
at least it's over!
oh, except that now that it's over, it's time for me to start writing my paper. which i am looking even less forward to than my week of 9 hours of class a day and having to stand in front of a room of my peers and try to make intelligent statements.
some things, however, are different:
so i know that not everyone cares about the kroger, but i have always been a devoted kroger shopper, even when it was dirty and did not carry lettuce. that did not bother me. if you are going to live off of frozen foods and prepackaged goods (plus you have very low standards for cleanliness), then i do not see how the unsightliness of your grocery store can affect your foods. and since kroger sells their lean cuisines for like $1.50 less than the teeter, which is just one of numerous examples of big savings to be had at the kroger, well i am sorry, but you can just call me a kroger devotee. (tho i also have to give props to the teeter. it is a lovely store and i have had some wonderful customer service there (the avocado incident of summer 2005 pre-dates this blog or you would all know what i am talking about) and there are certainly things for which i prefer the teeter.)
anyways, the new kroger is open and ave and i decided that we would go give it a look-see after our farewell dinner at 5 guys. well, i must say that i am very glad i went with someone else. you know how i am about change.
i couldn't even walk in the door initially. it was DIFFERENT! they didn't just make it the same old kroger! they made it AN ALL NEW KROGER! and i was a bit distraught.
but gradually, i made my way in. to the newer, more expansive produce section. to the smorgasbord of cheeses. to the expanded bakery section. TO THE PRETTY PRINCESS CAKE! and the PIRATE SHIP CAKE! (sorry, the cakes were kinda amazing.) to the WALK IN BEER REFRIGERATOR (with quite a selection of 40s, it must be noted. i like that the updated kroger is sticking to their ghetto roots.) and i am sure there are any number of other fabulous new things that i have already forgotten about b/c my memory sucks and b/c i was just trying to remember about the pirate cake. oh, and if you go, see if you notice that there are donuts EVERYWHERE. seriously, i don't know how many places you can put donuts in one grocery store.
so while the initial shock of not my usual kroger was a bit much, i think i am going to quickly settle back in and i am very excited about the fabulous new look of the kroger! (oh, except they have a new font on the front of the store and that disturbed me a lot, b/c isn't that a trademark thing? i mean, i associate a particular font with the kroger, and now i'm worried that this isn't really the kroger i knew and loved but it's really some sort of k (teeny tiny space) roger and they are going to mooch off of the goodwill of the kroger in the area, and that would explain why the inside is so totally different and i didn't check the prices! what if the prices aren't as low and fabulous as they used to be?!?! oh my. i am going to have to investigate this further. unfortunately, that is going to have to wait for a bit b/c it turns out that this class i am taking runs from 8:30 AM TO 9PM FOR THE NEXT SEVEN DAYS!!! does anyone else think that is CRAZY?!?!?! ok, parenthetical multi-pronged rant ending now.)
in molly's and my fortune cookies at the Fire Bowl Cafe, where at least the general tso's chicken contained chicken, even if their fortune cookies contained soul-crushing two-liners.To discover who you are, figure out who everyone else is. You're what's left.
If you live out of your imagination, you live out of your potential.