Wednesday, December 13, 2006

new favorite

what can i say, i'm fickle.

today, someone got here by searching for "Spastic Paraparasis." (ok, so it turns out i had spelled it wrong.)

and once again, not a mistake.

also, is it all of you who are the reason my number of hits for "little lexi barely legal" shot up today? or is that just coincidence?

also, ajeet reports that i do not show up if you enter "friend of little lexi barely legal." i don't think he would recommend you try it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks to this most recent post, a google search for:
friend of little lexi barely legal
takes you to and its reference to this post.
I'm guessing ajeet ended up at what is now the second search result, which appears to be a DVD, which google gives us the following description of: "Meet THE BABYSITTER She loves to ..."

2:27 AM  

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