Monday, December 11, 2006

another wise use of my time

technically, i am outlining. only what i am really doing is adjusting the fonts of the outline over and over and over and over.

see, we did a group outline. so there are 5 parts. and i decided that we should each have our own font. only a number of people just used times new roman. so i have to pick new fonts for them! well picking a font for a person is not easy. not only are there my preferences (can't be too narrowly spaced or too dark), but there are also the individual people to consider (boy vs. girl fonts mostly, but not too far either way b/c it also has to be plain enough that it's easy to read). and there are so many choices! and you have to actually change a block of type before you can truly appreciate what it's going to look like. and once you've picked your font style, then you have to pick the size. b/c some of them are right in 10, and some in 11, and some in 12 and i know that i am the moron using at least 5 different fonts in the outline, but i want all of them to be approximately the same size and there are very specific parameters for what is an acceptable font size, and you can't exactly tell til you have printed it out, so you've just got to keep fidgeting until you think you've got it right.

so in the last hour, i have done about one case, and 49 font changes.


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8:09 PM  
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2:15 PM  

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