Thursday, December 07, 2006

this mighta been a bad idea

well i hope everyone enjoys their first reading day, a day you can dedicate to working diligently, uninterrupted by those pesky classes.

or you can have (at best) about 3.5 hours of working time before you hop in the shower and then into a car to drive up to DC and go to a concert tonight.

it seemed like a slightly foolish, yet ok, idea at the time. i mean, i've only got 3 exams. and i've always been so good about working in the days and even weeks preceding reading days. and i had seriously thought about going to vegas for my brother's 30th birthday, and surely this was less than that. so it would be good. i would work so hard for the days leading up to thursday, and it would be a nice break!

only none of those things have happened and i have been trying to outline communications law for like 8 hours and i have made it thru all of 1.5 classes and this is clearly never going to go anywhere and we are doing a group outline and when i give it to the group they are going to say, "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU DOING?!?!!?"

but i have been looking forward to it and i am going to go and that is that. even tho i am wishing i could plug my computer in in the car.

anyways, if anyone has any suggestion how to layer yourself for a concert when the "feels like" temperature in the city you are going to be visiting is 16 degrees, and you have no idea how long you will be outside, or what you can do with your excess layers when you get inside, please let me know. b/c spending the next 3 hours thinking about that sounds like a way better plan than learning about regulatory options under section 706 of the telecommunications act of 1996. (hey, at least i know what the major act is called, right?)


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