Monday, December 04, 2006

this is the new low

every year during finals i wonder when i have gone too far. at what point have i moved in to the law school to a degree that is truly unacceptable or done something else that is just silly enough that even i should be ashamed by it.

i have never thought the fact that i keep a toothbrush, toothpaste, and forks in my locker was wrong. that's just common sense. plus, once i put them in there first year (when it was totally justified), it didn't take any effort to just leave them there.

and bringing extra pants to the library so i could change at the point in studying when i no longer wanted to look cute and wanted to be comfy, there was never anything wrong with that either.

the space heater was pushing it, but i meant it as a joke, so that was ok. (tho i seriously contemplated walking to my carrel to get it earlier today. it was so cold in klaus it took me 20 minutes to fall asleep! and i think i'm lucky i didn't die of hypothermia while i was asleep.)

but i have always mocked ajeet for his fingerless gloves. because they are TOTALLY WORTH MOCKING! i mean, it is ridiculous to have a pair of gloves specifically made so that you can type while wearing them, right? two and a half years i have said so. and then, during the BarBri T&E tape on saturday, i realized my hands were so cold i could not type. maybe he wasn't so silly.... and then, i was at the kroger, and there were gloves for $1.99. for $1.99 you don't need to feel bad about taking a pair of scissors to your gloves and cutting off the fingers so that you can be the biggest loser in the law school (i would say second to pai, but at least his record of success says that he's been doing something right, so i'll step up). you might need to feel bad for being such a loser, but not for ruining a pair of gloves.

so now, as i write this, i am wearing a pair of fingerless gloves. they're a bit clunky, but i bet if i just push thru and keep wearing them, i'll be used to them in no time and i'll be back to my usual 100 words per minute. (i don't actually know my wpm.)

i'm also thinking i might wear them to bed. it's supposed to be in the 20s tonight, but it's still not cold enough in my apartment to turn my head on, but i just feel like you can't go wrong with wearing a pair of gloves to bed, just in case. says the girl who doesn't think it's wrong to cut the fingers off to make typing gloves. (ok, i obviously still think it is kinda wrong. that just didn't keep me from doing it.)


Blogger Lexi said...

You haven't turned your heat on! Man, and I thought Aaron and I were cheap for waiting this long. Sadly, we are not getting the great advantage of living on the 3rd floor that is free heat. Maybe the people that live underneath us are cheap.

Anyhoo, the gloves are HOTT.

9:23 AM  
Blogger laura said...

i hadn't turned it on b/c it hadn't been cold enough to warrant it, not b/c i am cheap. it is still in the 50s during the day! that is not cold enough for heat!

plus, i turned it on at 6:30 this morning. not b/c it was cold, but b/c i figured i would appreciate it when i got up to shower.

9:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i also wear fingerless gloves, but mine have fabric you can pull over your fingers to make them mittens so that if you stop typing you can a little bit of warmth. but mainly i cant believe youd ever mock the concept when its in fact genius.

11:00 AM  

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