Wednesday, November 29, 2006


today's question, which i pose to you, dear readers, is, "how much weed whacking can one apartment complex do?"

lately i have been attempting to study at home. because of my general laziness and the fact that after 2 years of living there, i just can't seem to take much of the law school anymore, and studying in my apartment can be done w/o shame while wearing the same pair of 10 year old sweats that no longer fit for weeks on end, etc etc. (today i am studying at home b/c i woke up this morning at 9:05 and got in the shower, and then got out of the shower and started doing the math on when i would need to leave to get to my class, and it took me about 3 minutes of doing that math before i realized that the fact that it was 9:15 meant that i was missing my 9am class. how does that even happen? but this way i don't have to figure out which of my books are important enough to go to school.)

anyways, the problem with studying at home is that NO MATTER WHEN YOU ARE DOING THIS, IVY GARDENS IS SOMEHOW WEED WHACKING OR MOWING THE LAWNS OR BLOWING LEAVES! seriously. i nearly shot myself just monday afternoon while dealing with this, and now, here it is, not even 48 hours later AND IT IS GOING ON AGAIN! WE DON'T EVEN HAVE THAT MUCH GREEN SPACE!

the secondary question is if it acceptable to tell your apartment complex that you are going to refuse to pay your rent during finals if they continue to take such meticulous care of their facilities.


Blogger Lexi said...

Also, the undergrad dorms (that my apartment faces) f-ing blast their music all the damn time. I'm telling you, the bass vibrates my apartment.

And the weed-whacking/leaf blowing is infuriating. We should ask them to hold off until after finals.

And my noise complaint didn't teach them any lessons, they were blasting the music again last night. Curses! I can't keep calling the police, they will think I'm a crazy person.

10:34 AM  
Blogger laura said...

i think you should refrain from admitting that you are calling the police in this forum. your peers will think you are a crazy person.

10:35 AM  
Blogger Lexi said...

Well, I am crazy. And I'm an old lady, very persnickety.

10:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pseudo-creepy stalking is much easier when you leave your apartment.

6:18 PM  

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