Tuesday, November 21, 2006

more gems from my notes

well, every semester i like to give you samples of what you can find in laura's notes. i'm sure that you'll get some good ones when i start to "outline" and go look at my notes again.

but today's examples are akin to this one (some absolute gems. proof why you should be my friends. with notes like that, you'll never need to take your own.), where i know that a number of my friends are not present and i will be sending them my notes. so i'm aware of them as they happen.

well half of my friends were not in telecom today. so i took notes. or i tried to. telecom is always awful. i've got no clue what happens in there. ever. the thing is that about half the class is all over it and half the class sits around IMing each other commentary about how it's like listening to charlie brown's teacher. i'm mostly friends with the latter half. anyways, here are two nuggets from today's notes:

  • while they have always said that they do not want regulate them they still have some ancillary power to regulate them. (“don’t make me regulate you!”—TN says and i giggle hysterically. guys, you should see me today. i’m bouncing off the fucking walls. like i’m swinging my legs so that people at the other end of the row are looking at me and saunders offered me $40 if i literally ran around the room and i’m tempted.) (at this point, megan tries to copy my notes. she says: MeganKC7: your notes do not help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MeganKC7: i KNOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW you're swinging your legs MeganKC7: i need to know what grob is mumbling!!)
  • GRob doesn’t think these are subject to tariffs, tho he thinks that to the extent they are telecom services (?) they should be subject to those requirements. So that ATT type services would be subject to things like non-discriminatory rates. That’s not particularly onerous. (seriously guys, megan and i are like the blind leading the blind here. b/t the two of us, i’m not sure if we’re taking your notes or we’re just making them up while stringing t/g arbitrary words that they are saying, but putting them in a new order and maybe adding “not” sometimes accidentally.)

however, these same lucky friends were fortunate enough to also get my notes about two weeks ago, when i had these bits of non-lecture material (sometimes tangentially related) to share:

  • TN asks (ooooh, I hate it when the one prof interjects with a question. this is a surefire sign i’ll be lost soon) what is the problem with having the ILECs driven down to this competitive rate?
  • the constitution does not permit you to have confiscatory rates. (I have no idea what confiscatory rates, but he just said it 3 times and it doesn’t show up in spell check. So you can look it up.) So the only question becomes what kind of rates, and how do you determine what kinds of rates are confiscatory?
  • ok, well he tries to make this point by using some analogy about an airline. I don’t know what is going on with this. Most people aren’t taking notes. It can’t possibly be important.
  • at this point in class, i notice a beautiful boy i have never noticed before. Eli says he is always in this class. And i curse rob darby’s big head for blocking my view in the past. B/c this boy is very lovely to look at.
  • also, Saunders raises his hand and GRob ignores him. I laugh audibly.
  • then we have like 10 or 15 minutes of TN and GRob doing the whole back and forth, punch and judy thing. No one takes any notes. At some point i think i should, but i missed the first half of the point, so i didn’t.

and i think you should all sign up to take classes with me next semester, for one of two very disparate reasons. (1) these notes can be yours too! (2) it may be clear that i don't pose much of a threat on the curve.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahaha, this is awesome. I'm in that class too, and I'm glad that I'm not the only one who has no idea WTF is going on sometimes.

And I probably *look* like one of the gunners, since I manage to stay off IMs/facebook/e-mail the vast majority of the time. I really make an effort to focus there... it terrifies me that it doesn't seem to be paying off.

In Trademark, on the other hand, I am a lost cause.

9:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, follow up question... what does the pretty boy look like? And where does he sit? Pretend like this will inspire me to step up my game in Comm. Or, you know, at least stop rolling in looking like absolute crap half the time.

9:26 PM  

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