Sunday, November 19, 2006


1. how can i have so much "research," sitting in stacks, all around me and highlighted, only it turns out that THERE IS NO INFORMATION IN ANY OF THOSE ARTICLES OR BOOKS?!?!!? i just flipped thru an entire book titled, "child pornography: an internet crime" and it said NOTHING AT ALL! ok, it might have said one or two things. but still! how am i supposed to formulate 25 pages of my own thoughts if NO ONE ELSE HAS EVER THOUGHT ANYTHING ON THIS TOPIC?!?! ok, well they have, but all of their thoughts amount to about 5 pages and they've all just written the same thing over and over and i hate them all. ok, well maybe that is a bit harsh. but still.

2. how is it that this corner of the library was 85 degrees all day and then, once i leave for 20 minutes, i return and it is magically 45?

3. why didn't i write this paper a year ago? for First Amendment law? i would have written on the same topic and when i turned it in, it wouldn't have been a problem that my whole paper is going to be ABOUT FIRST AMENDMENT LAW! also, that it is going to be a run-down of things that are already out there. however, when trying to do that for a class on CRIMINAL LAW, where he wants my own thoughts, it might be a problem. also, then i wouldn't have had to take that exam that i clearly did so poorly on. plus i was only taking 3 classes at the time. how could i have ever had a reason for not writing a paper and taking 2 exams? basically, if i did it fall semester of 2L year, i did it wrong. ugh. how do i go back in time and re-do that?


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