Friday, November 17, 2006


what is a respectable length for a kegstand?

at the bonfire last night, some of the big drinking 3L boys were doing kegstands. the first one did like 13 seconds, the second 25, and the third something like 17 i think. and all the other guys were very impressed with all of these times. and i was totally apalled. like to the degree that i wanted to do one and show them that they were just silly and those times were laughable, but then i doubted myself and didn't. but in my recollection (of course we all know about my memory and how faulty it is. particularly with things that involve numbers.), 25 seconds is average and 40 is good. as one of my friends pointed out, those times are from college and we're now 27 years old. but still. so before we left i did one, and it was 27 seconds and i went down before i even felt ill. and i'm not bragging about that, i'm just saying. and would like some input on what is acceptable and if these boys (commissioners, nonetheless!) should have experienced shame for 13 seconds.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you have to remember the quality of boys you're dealing with in law school. they like to think they're cool :) 27 seconds for a girl is really good, 15 for a guy.. not so impressive. yay laura!

2:13 PM  

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