Sunday, December 10, 2006

(i think i like trusts & estates)

well, estates. i still don't actually have any idea what a "trust" is. i think it's just one of those concepts that will forever be beyond my grasp. like atoms and molecules. those still don't make any sense to me.

but this is an area of law with rules, and with people, and where you use words to try to convey a point that hopefully some stupid court will not come along later and decide they don't like and they will twist your words. i like that sort of thing. and i like people.

and it turns out i'm kinda having fun answering all these sample questions in these hornbooks jen lent me. it's fun to figure out who gets what! of course, so far i have been "wrong" by the book's standards about half the time, but i am making very solid argument for why i am right, so i don't think she can fail me for that. it's not my fault the authors of the sample answers can't interpret as well as i can interpret.

oh, well except for the times when it turns out that i am not reading with a finely trained eye and i give half the estate to somebody, only it turns out that he was dead. oops.

anyways, i really didn't mean to do many of these, but i am just getting such a kick out of it, so why would i ever start trying to learn telecomm law. i mean that ain't ever happening.


Blogger Lexi said...

You should become a T&E lawyer like me and come live and work in Philadelphia with me!!! We can have adjoining offices! Wouldn't that be delightful! Oh, how little work would get done if we worked at the same firm.

9:20 PM  
Blogger Dellis said...

sounds fun

8:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


2:15 PM  

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