Tuesday, February 27, 2007

of course

you are in luck b/c i have a midterm tomorrow, which means that i have all the incentive in the world to post! a midterm! criminey!

at the time i signed up for the class with other assignments due thru/out the semester, it seemed like a good thing. it seemed like this meant two things, (1) maybe sucking at law school finals wouldn't kill me, (2) the final was going to be less time-consuming.

however, i think my reaction last wednesday when he mentioned that we would be having a final in a week was, "F&*! ME!!!" i mean, how was i to know it was coming up??!!?! oh i suppose i could have paid more attention to the syllabus or to the fact that i had it on my calendar or whatnot, but those all seem like silly options compared to having it sprung on you when all you can think about is spring break and some boy and which feb club parties you want to go to. i would totally choose this way.

of course, a week is plenty enough time to get ready for a midterm. unfortunately, that's not exactly how i did things. instead, i opted to say i was going to work on it all day sunday. then to nap all day sunday. then to say i would work on it monday night. only to have a couple of glasses of wine with dinner monday, and sleep monday night. only to say that i would work on it from noon onwards on tuesday. only to start posting to my blog again and doing laundry.

but i'm sure that 6 hours is more than enough time to study for a midterm. oh, a closed-book midterm.

yeah, F&*! ME!!!


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