Tuesday, February 27, 2007

i know, i know, i know

i have not posted in 13 days. i know this b/c you people are keeping track. you're sending me emails, you're posting comments, you're stopping me in the hallways. and i am sorry. i apologize heartily. i always imagined that my public only existed in my own head, and it turns out that now that there really is a public, well it is very demanding! tho i understand your concern. i usually post 87 times a day. and now this.

i've decided that what i really need to get over this is a 2-pronged approach. the first would be for there to be anything worthy of posting. the second would be to get over the hurdle of not posting in class. of my 10 scheduled classes in the past week, i have attended 8 (someone talked me into skipping the extra friday sessions). however, i have taken notes in, i believe, 3 of those. probably more like 2 classes and 2 half classes. my point is that showing up for class is utterly pointless. yesterday's fed courts notes went on for about 10 minutes before devolving into a typical laura notes-concluding note--"LAURA YOU ARE NOT PAYING ANY ATTENTION TODAY. YOU WILL REALLY NEED TO FIGURE OUT WHAT IS GOING ON IN THESE CASES." and that was it.

while in ED this morning, i realized that this might be a problem. i mean, in theory, you're supposed to pay attention to what they're saying, and those are the things they're going to test you on. i mean, it would probably be handy to have some record of those things. or at least to have at some point known that they said those things. BUT THEN i realized that i'm not sure this puts me in any different position than i've been in since first semester. maybe it is worse this semester, but haven't i been saying this all along? fortunately, this semester, i have previous semesters' notes for 2 of my 4 classes! so the question becomes, can i skip? can my guilty conscience overcome that? because when i show up, i am just saddled by the guilty conscience of not paying attention. i think the answer is that i will continue to show up to class.

but now i am faced with a very interesting dilemma--can you skip one class to attend another? a class for which you are not even enrolled. is that legit? because here is an email rob received from his 1st amendment prof--
At our session tomorrow afternoon, we have in store another special treat. I've invited Professor James Ryan to join us, and to share his insight and wisdom on issues of school policy and constitutional law...I know you'll find this a most engaging and rewarding session.


so now the question is if i'm allowed to skip fed courts for the opportunity to leer creepily at jim ryan from the back row of a class i'm not even enrolled in. i mean, i had been thinking about skipping fed courts anyways. of course, i'm not sure i'm allowed to now, b/c i had gone on monday solely so that i could feel not bad about not going on wednesday, and then there was the whole "LAURA YOU ARE NOT PAYING ANY ATTENTION TODAY. YOU WILL REALLY NEED TO FIGURE OUT WHAT IS GOING ON IN THESE CASES." thing. oops.

ok, so i know that this is not a very good post, but you're going to have to be patient with me as i ease back into this.


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