Sunday, October 29, 2006

god bless the community of trust

once a year, i manage to lose my purse. last night was that night. fortunately, this year i decided to make an extra key to my apartment and give it to lexi, so that when i do this, i have easy access to an extra key, rather than having to call the ivy man and get him to let me in and question why i am wearing a child's dinosaur costume at noon on a sunday and all that.

even more fortunately, i am very pleased to report that charlottesville's community of trust works flawlessly. see, people were trying to appease me by telling me that i had left it on a counter at the party (i had taken it off to wrestle someone. now, i don't remember this, but that sure does sound like something i would do, doesn't it?) and that's ok, b/c i trust the community of trust at law school houses.

but this morning, once i was able to secure my extra keys from lexi, i return home to an email. someone had found my purse. SITTING BY THE SIDE OF IVY ROAD. yes, i am a winner. i managed to just leave my purse sitting by the side of a major road. don't even ask.

fortunately, jon miller is a stand-up guy and my newest hero and i had my purse back by the first Bar-Bri MPRE break. and because of this, we are now able to provide you with the most adorable photo ever taken of a person. the possible loss of this photo was distressing me very greatly last night. perhaps even more than the possible loss of the camera, the purse itself, the bank card and driver's license. i mean, look at this face!!


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