Friday, October 20, 2006

ask me about my exploding toilet!

as my piece de resistance of my cleaning adventure, i was going to put a vanish drop-in tablet in my toilet tank, to keep my toilet water blue for months. mmm, so pretty.

well, after i had done this, i went to put the lid back on the tank. this is the point at which things went horribly awry. somehow, the lid hit some thingamajig in the tank loose, and that thingamajig seems to the the crucial thingamajig that keeps an 8 foot geyser of water from spraying all over your bathroom at all times. (as a bit of trivia, the tube that refills your toilet is about 4 times as large as the tube that fills your bathroom sink and can shoot up to 18 gallons of water out of it in a minute.)

it's not really much of a story b/c it took me all of about 2 minutes to turn off the water (it took me about 2 minutes b/c the first two spigot-like things i looked at had no piece on them, b/c they were the wrong pieces of the to turn the water off (what are those things that just sit at the base of the toilet and are usually hidden, only not in my kinda run-down apartment, so there are large rusty screws projecting out of the base of my toilet?), so i freaked out momentarily before finding the right piece) and call the maintenance guys. of course, it only took this two minutes for me to look like a drowned rat while hanging out in a 2 foot square of bathroom with a geyser of shooting toilet water.

props to the maintenance guys for being so quick and handy. props to me for knowing how to turn the water off. and props to the cadre of towels who sopped up the inch of standing water in the bathroom before it seeped into alexis' apartment, and ruined my own rug. and another props to me for trying to bring back the word 'props.'


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