Wednesday, October 18, 2006

i'm a moron

i did it. i bought the bean. i knew i shouldn't, and i knew it was silly and probably a scam and that i'm just throwing my money down the drain. but i did it anyways. it's not a very fulfilling purchase when you don't really have any enthusiasm for the buy you just made. but somewhere, deep in the back of my mind, i'm still convinced that it will give me rock hard abs and that it'll be a great addition to my fitness regime. in the end, it was the 100% money back guarantee (even shipping) that made me do it. i'm sure there's a scam in there too. but if the scam in that is that they're pretty sure people won't go to the effort of returning it, well they're not getting me on that one! i hereby declare that if i am not satisfied with the bean, i am going to all the hassle of shipping it back and getting my money back, no matter how painful a process that is. (it's a good thing i publicly vowed this b/c i hate painful money-getting processes and am exactly the type of person who would normally give up. but not this time. no indeed. i mean it.)


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