Saturday, October 21, 2006

negotiation institute

so yesterday was negotiation institute, which i'm really going to recommend as a way to get one credit, as pass/fail. there are many beauties to a pass/fail class. for me, it's nice to know that they can't give you a B-. for other people, it's pretty much a ticket not to have to pay any attention and to not worry about taking any notes.

yeah, so it's two full 8 hour saturdays, and that's not ideal, but it's also not so bad. first of all, misery loves company, and it's 120 hungover 3Ls, all of whom know they don't have to take notes and nearly all of whom make no effort to conceal the fact that they're reading the internet and IMing one another (i do feel bad for the prof.) and you have to do exercises, but when you know everyone in the class, it's not really difficult to pair off with someone you know and just make it easy on yourselves.

so i had paired off with tiff for an exercise about a law prof who had sexually harassed a student, who wanted the prof to change her grade, leave the school for a year or two, and also make financial compensation. i represented the student and tiff was the prof. we finished in about not time at all, concluding with the money. i had looked at the point value on the exercise--for every $1,000 you got, you were awarded 3 points--and figured this meant we were looking at a low monetary figure. so i say to tiff, "$15,000?" and she goes, "ok." well this is not a negotiation! that was easy! sweet! i am quite proud of myself, furthered by the fact that when tiff looks down at her book, she is fairly dejected, saying that she did not do well.

so i'm the first person to turn in a sheet with our outcomes. i skipped down to the professor, telling him, "i'm very proud of myself" and handed him the sheet. he looked at it, asked, "oh were you the defendant?" and i replied, all sing-songy, "no, i'm the plaintiff!"

well he must have thought i was like the dumbest thing ever. turns out i had missed the tidbit where the lawsuit we were trying to settle was for $250,000. other people settled for $100,000 and one guy (or girl) settled for $400,000, tho that seems pretty absurd. (tho, to be totally fair, some settled for $0 and one of the negotiations on the tape we watched settled for $7,500, so my completely uninformed negotiations weren't a total loss, but still.)


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