Friday, November 25, 2005

crazy old people

so you may have noticed that i said i had to make an excuse to get out of more family time. but you have to understand is that i LOVE my family. we're the best family ever. it's just that today they were all going off to see very extended family today and i wanted out of that. but that's not the point.

so i call my parents "crazy old people." all the time. and it only dawned on me about 2 days ago that maybe that wasn't appropriate and maybe other people don't call their parents "crazy old people." frequently. to their face. i asked my parents and they agreed that maybe that wasn' the norm, but that they understand (or hoped) that i meant it affectionately. which i do. this is going to be another crappy laura story, b/c the fact is that i can't explain it. but it's just the way they are. somewhat as individuals, but i think i mean it primarily about the way they are as a couple and the way they interact after 25 years of marriage. it's each of their second marriages and in the past few years i've really come to see how great they are together and how well they complement one another. and they're a riot. i wonder if all couples are like this at this point or if my parents are just very lucky.

yup, another weakly documented laura story--my parents are crazy old people. in a good way.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You might also try "loony-bin senior citizens" or "cookoo for cocoa puffs elderly folks."

Yeah--I think I will start commenting anonymously. I like the sense of mystery. Let's see... who frequently responds to Laura's stories with sarcasm and biting wit?

5:05 PM  
Blogger laura said...

um, actually i'm confused. b/c only one person actually replies to my blog. and lexi is generally supportive and friendly and i can not imagine her referring to my parents as "loony bin senior citizens." also, lexi doesn't use capital letters.

i have a guess, but i don't even dare to dream that this person reads my blog.

10:04 PM  
Blogger laura said...

i have a new guess. it is a better guess. i'm still flattered, but at least not befuddled.

10:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Timmy P. Logan, duh

9:15 PM  

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