Monday, November 21, 2005

commercials that suck

lexi and i were talking about this recently, but i just saw another commercial that irks me, so i'll give you all of them right now.

the worst are the leapfrog learning tools ones. i haven't seen any of them in the last few hours, and i have a short memory, so i'll just give you the gist of why they're terrible commercials. they all involved this device teaching your child, while you and your spouse do other things in the other room and leave your child with the tool. so you go to answer the phone, and when you come back--how great, your son has learned to read! but the first one i saw is still the worst. the dad's in an airport and (maybe this is even the one where the mom goes to the other room) the kid is reading a whole story about a great relationship with a father, but remember that his dad isn't around and the kid isn't having a relationship with his son. and then there is some sort of tagline about your being there for all the growing moments in your child's life. BUT YOU'RE NOT THERE! YOU'RE IN AN AIRPORT ACROSS THE COUNTRY! THIS MACHINE IS TEACHING YOUR CHILD TO READ!

that story would have worked much better if i remembered the commercial better. sorry.

but there are more. there is also a series of outback commercials that irked me. the first person gets hit with a boomerang, giving them the brilliant idea to go to outback, and then in THREE OF FOUR of the little vignettes, the boomerang came back and hit the second person FROM THE SAME DIRECTION FROM WHICH IT HAD ORIGINALLY COME.

one final one, which is the latest. i just saw it. it's an ad for diamonds and the theme song is "under pressure," which is playing as the man walks home to his wife or girlfriend or whatever she is. does this mean he doesn't want to give her a diamond, but he has to b/c she's a shrewish bitch who's forcing him to do so? i can't exactly tell, but it seems like a fair inference.


Blogger Lexi said...

I have nothing to add, you know how I feel. I hate those leapfrog commercials with every inch of my soul.

11:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

have you seen the tivo or DVR commercial where the boy walks in and is like "dad can we have some quality time together? oh wait, nm the game is on" and the dad is like "oh its ok, i can pause the game with this machine!" and they live happily efter after? i mean, i heart my DVR more than like anything in the world- but i think the commercial is sending the wrong message b/c if that dude hadnt had it, he wouldve ignored his child for the game.

5:25 PM  

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