Tuesday, September 12, 2006

i am giving something back

court asked me to be on the group of people who harass our classmates to give to UVA law before we graduate and i figured that i couldn't say no to that. i mean, i love UVA law and i love harassing people. but really that's not what sold me. i thought there were only like 2 per class, but it turns out that each representative only gets like 10-12 people. so i was wondering how they assigned these people, b/c i was worried that i would get stuck with all the people who hate UVA law and then i would feel very bad for having let my school down.

well this is the most fascinating part of it to me--everyone who has agreed to do it sits down in a room, with a list of everyone in the c/o 2007, and we pick which 10-12 people we want to harass for money!

so i have decided that i am going to start vetting people. i don't want anyone who looks like they love UVA law, but it turns out that they're secretly very discontented, or stingy, or neck-deep in credit card debt that is going to get their big firm bucks before me and my law school can get our grubby little paws on it. so i will begin a very intense process of talking to my friends and figuring out who has these skeletons in their closet and whose money i can or can't count on.

another thought was that maybe i should take all the people that we wouldn't think were going to give. after all, i am a bit creepy. i figure i could root around in their garbage cans and threaten to reveal their deepest darkest secrets, unless they were to give. after all, we all know that i have a lot of extra time this year and i can't think of too many other things to do than root thru my classmates' trash. so that's a whole different tactic, but i think that in the end, everyone stands to win. unless of course i was arrested and then there wasn't anyone to harass that group of 10-12 people and then i guess that everyone loses. but the chances of that seem really slim.

a final possibility is to use this opportunity to meet 10-12 new men! i figure time is dwindling and everyone else seems to have already found their future lifemate. i've still got a few months and i should use them for everything their worth. of course, this approach could also involve rooting thru trash cans and seeing what secrets of one's past i can uncover.

of course, all of these approaches seem to really highlight my creepy. i should probably just try to highlight the friendly and work off of people's appreciation of the fact that we go to the best law school in the whole wide world. of course, that doesn't involve rooting thru trash...


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