Wednesday, August 09, 2006

try not to miss me too desperately

i am leaving for LA tomorrow and will not be back til about the 19th. am spending a couple of days in LA with molly, doing whatever molly has deemed cool enough for me/not so cool i can't get in. incidentally, molly was turned away from a bar on her b-day in LA, which was on a tuesday. so i'm not really expecting anything for my b-day, which even less fortuitously, falls on a thursday.

after LA, we are beginning our drive back to cville. we are both uber-excited about this and i will not listen to you nay-sayers who all follow up the fact that i am going on a cross-country trip with molly with the question, "how good of friends are you?" and all sorts of warnings about wanting to kill one another by new mexico. the first stop is still unsure, but molly was thinking vegas. of course, this was the second city in which she was trying to get justin timberlake tickets and my latest joke is that our drive back to cville is going to degenerate into our stalking JT's tour bus and molly saying things like, "montana, laura! i'm sure he won't be sold out in montana!" anyways, after whatever the first stop is, the itinerary is taos, new mexico; austin with molly's family for 2 nights; baton rouge with my family for one; nashville; finally back to the 'ville. yay!

so the point is that i am uber-excited and that you will have to try not to miss me too desperately. i am even leaving my computer back in cville, so we'll see how much withdrawal i suffer. i imagine i'll be twitching before i've even made it to dulles.

ok, have good weeks and i'll see you all soon!!


Blogger Lexi said...

I miss you!!!! :(:(:(:(:(:(:(

5:52 PM  

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