Tuesday, August 01, 2006

my perfect job

yes, my absolutest most perfectest bestest job ever. and everyone agrees. the other summers agree, my mom agrees. that's all i've run it by so far, but you'll agree too.

so today we took a tour of the supreme court. we met up with the woman who was to give us the tour. she works in the clerk's office or something and years ago some guy who then went to our firm worked with her so she gives the summer class a tour every year. anyways, we went in to meet her and as soon as i walked into her office, MY EYES LIT UP! I WAS IN HEAVEN! I WAS IN A PLACE IN WHICH I WOULD LOVE TO WORK FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE. the other summers saw it. they nodded their heads in agreement: this was a place for laura.

she is the front line when cases come in to the SC. so they are all these little paper booklets, with differently colored covers depending on what they are. and they are all perfectly stapled, and then rubberbanded together in bundles with post-its on them with their dates and things. PAPER! COLORED PAPER! RUBBERBANDS! POST-ITS! HAVE I DIED AND GONE TO HEAVEN!?!?!?

oh, and her title is the director of the document control center. i mean, that's great. right?

anyways. sometimes she gives these tours. but these tours are only about 50% about the court and its history and whatnot. the other 50% are her own anecdotes about having worked in the building for the last 25 years. how the old chef used to hide the mints in the hidden bottom of a cabinet drawer, the year everyone else boycotted the christmas party and she got to eat all the pastries, the time she took an aeorbics class with justice o'connor, etc. I COULD DO THAT! CAN YOU IMAGINE MY GIVING A TOUR WITH MY OWN STORIES! god i would be good. i have also retained much of what she said, so that i am already ready to take over. i can tell you where the only 5 spiral staircases in the world are. i'm halfway there.

anyways, i kept trying to ask her how she got this job (she has a law degree; i ascertained that much), but then she would have to get out of the elevator b/c some elevator button-pusher wouldn't let all 10 of us in and for security reasons she would have to stay behind and evade my question. but i am really thinking of sending her an email. i figure she's got some more years in here there, but i will be waiting by the phone for her call.


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