Saturday, June 24, 2006

i have the plague

so, b/c i am old, and i had two nights of so little sleep and one night of heavy drinking and i have been stressed for a solid month and b/c all of these things wear down our immune systems, leaving us susceptible to all the terrible evil diseases that just wander around waiting to attack us, i am sick. ugh. very very sick. well, i'm not sure how sick i am, but i do sound awful. for the past 4 days i have had the kind of cough that makes people run for the nearest exit when they hear you coming. not that i blame them. i sound awful. and it's accompanied by general fatigue and soreness and a sore throat and oh yes, my favorite--the fact that every time i cough, i feel like throwing up. aren't you glad i've shared?

anyways, i decided that i would come down to cville for the weekend, just to get away. and i thought that i could go to the law library and get some work done in an environment i like. but that didn't happen. my mom told me to watch tv and rest up and i figure that mommy knows best. BUT the other great thing is that my place in cville has all the prescription drugs my parents have given me over the years. so when she said i should have antibiotics, i could do that! i didn't need to bother with seeing if student health was open on a saturday afternoon in the middle of summer. cuz i'm in the home where i HAVE a course of antibiotics, just sitting around, waiting for use. probably a year or two after its expiration date, but who believes in expiration dates anyways? so now to see if prescription drugs can shake this.

then, of course, we supplement the use of the free sample prescription antibiotics with the use of random prescription medications that you have been given for all sorts of reasons. so when i get sick, i call my mom and start reading the names off the bottles to see what would be appropriate. or i call and ask what i should take and she starts listing things until we come across something i have. i just called and mentioned one, and she says, "tussionex? why do you have that?" well, i don't know, but it has my father's name on it and it's from 2001. so i'm going to guess that at some point, daddy had a bad cough. then, at some later point, i was home and i had a cough. so my mom opened up a cabinet, rummaged around, pulled it out and said, "hey laura, take this." and that would explain why i have it in late 2006. if you're interested, in the end we settled on a drug from the drawer that has my name on the prescription label, is only about a year old, and i remember exactly where it came from. which is a pretty big deal. also, it has codeine. sweet.

it would also be helpful if the legal research and memo-writing elves would visit me, but i'm about to give up believing in them.


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