Thursday, June 15, 2006

more funny?!!? tonight!?!?! it's just too good to be true!

so lexi taught me how to see who looks at my blog. i am not very popular in the blogosphere. but that's ok. anyways, today someone linked to my page from the google finance page! oooooh, i'm sorry to whoever you were. turns out the title "big money" threw the search engines off or something and they threw me in together with a guy whose blurb that is excerpted on the page says this:

a.inject(0) { sum, v sum+v }. Woah. Basically, inject calls the block for each element
in a and assigns it to the variable v. Whatever the block returned the." (you can see more
at Uncle Booben's Ramblings)

i'm sure these people are thrilled to see that they have been linked to with the likes of me, who is talking about marrying a man b/c his legs move like noodles. and that's not the most inane thing i've written this week! (also, i have decided not to correct the typos from when i was drunk. i figure it adds ambiance.) maybe i should start to add "financial advice" to my page and see how many people go under by using it.

ok, that is all.


Blogger Lexi said...

At least you don't get 50 hits a day from people looking for a porn star.

5:53 PM  

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