Wednesday, June 14, 2006

new post!

so i was going to put up a new post today (and i even remember what it was about--i went to visit my old place of employment today for lunch and i rememebered that it was the best place ever to work), but then i realized that there wasn't too much to say about that. but why did i leave again?

anyways, on the way home, i decided that i would have to post about something b/c i experience guilt that people read and i don't have new posts and i do have new posts, a different post-it every day, but they don't necessarily get typed up, but then the guilt started to consume me, and i suppose the $80 worth of drinks, which isn't really that many drinks when you are forced to go somewhere you didn't want to go b/c you are still a cheap bastard at heart, and so i realized that i HAD TO post when i got home.

so here i am--posting.

and here is what you get--the most recent thing in memory--i woud like to encourage people not to wear tricky pieces of clothing when you drink. but getting out of a tricky piece of clothing can be very difficult. and after a few drinks, and when everyone is asleep, and you've been wearing the same dress for 6 years (you were thinking about getting rid of it, except 4 people gave you compliments on it today) and the zipper broke about 4 years ago, well i just want to say that getting out of that dress can be a bit problematic. actually, from experience, it isn't as problematic as getting into/out of dresses that are a size too small or dreadfully inappropriate for your body even tho they are in the right size, but i felt obligated to say something and so this is what you got.

oh lucky you!

ok, so we'll see if we get up at 6am in the morning. we've been trying to make ourselves a morning person (this is all the royal plural, obviously), but it's not working very well and the very serious effort was to begin tomorrow, but tonight has probably not done much for that effort. ok, ttyl!


Blogger Lexi said...

Tip on the getting up at 6:00 thing - set your alarm clock for 10 minutes earlier than you normally get up, then the next day, do it 10 minutes earlier, and so on and so forth. It's been working for me. I can get up at 6:20 now!

7:49 PM  

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