Friday, May 19, 2006

productive, counter-productive

so i'm trying to delete emails from my sentbox. i am very good about deleting from my inbox, but i am an avid sender and i've always thought that deleting from the sentbox is the only way to really keep the clutter down. unfortunately, this is a pain in the ass. also, it turns out that it's more difficult to do. for starters, i figure that if i delete everything i get, but i reply to nearly all of what i get, keeping my replies is a good way to have some remnant of the emails i receive, if they're funny or whatever, but not funny or whatever enough to justify being saved on their own. but the second problem is that i truly do love the things i say in email. i'm not sure you would have ever guessed this. so, in addition to deleting sent emails, i wind up finding things that i have to forward back to people, meaning that there is now another email in my sentbox. plus the fact that i don't like to delete them in general. i think that the sheer volume of email i send, particularly to the same person w/in a short period of time, says something in and of itself and that is lost when you delete any of the drivel. my drivel is great.

and you know what i'm going to do, don't you? i'm going to give you a sample of the drivel. actually, this email isn't drivel and maybe it isn't even all that funny, but i am amused by the fact that this is an email i sent a professor--

Prof. XXX—

If it’s possible, can I ask to have a pass today? I’ve done the reading, but I’m also in my week of reading the 25-page memos for the first years and am about as haggard as I’ve ever been. I’m not sure you want me helping to make any points to the class. And, to be honest, the concept of the tax shelter completely evades me. I’m generally a law-abiding citizen, but the IRS should certainly not worry about me on this one.



Blogger Lexi said...

I think that email is hilarious. And I don't know who you could send so many emails to. I only got 4 in the last 24 hours :) Of course, this is a good thing as I measure my self-worth by my inbox and hits to my blog.

4:09 PM  

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