Thursday, May 18, 2006

fighting a never-ending war

so tonight is the one day a year, i would allow someone to visit my bedroom. of course, it remains to be seen if they would be allowed thru my kitchen or my living room, the only two ways to get to my bedroom.

i am cleaning. this happens very rarely. generally it is my mother doing it. and doing this reminds me how much i hate it. which is partially b/c of how fruitless it is.

basically, me cleaning consists of my picking up some sort of spray cleaning product, applying approximately 4x the cleaning product necessary for the task at hand, until it is pooling on the surface, and then i tackle it with handfuls of paper towels. and no matter what the surface is, or what room we are in, we are generally attacking one enemy--dust. but here is the thing (and i do not mean to discourage others who are cleaning. if you are cleaning and easily discouraged, you may want to avert your eyes from the following sentence)--the dust WILL return! and the places to which the dust will return are just flabbergasting! i once heard that dust is overwhelmingly dead skin cells and i thought that if i left the house, then i wouldn't be around sloughing off skin and there wouldn't be dust. but no! it's still there! it's like my neighbors just drop off their dead skin cells so that there will be dust in my home. and that's what makes this so disheartening. i mean, it is absolutely disgusting in here. it cannot be denied. it must be cleaned. even i know that it must be cleaned, which is when you know that most people probably would have cleaned two months ago. but i won't even be living here for the next 3 months! what's the point? when i return, the dust will be back! and then my mom is coming just a week or two after that, so maybe i shouldn't even try.

anyways, back to tackling the bathroom.


Blogger Lexi said...

Swifer dusters are the best dust-tackling thing ever. They grab al the dust (so it doesn't go flying through the air) and they are flexible, so you don't have to move things to dust around them. I love them. I keep one under the sink and when things start getting a little dusty I give them a quick sweep.

OK, I'm really going to unpack now.

4:12 PM  

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