Monday, May 08, 2006

can it be procrastination if you're not doing anything productive?

so as i was leaving the library for the night, having concluded that i am not going to learn any more copyright law without the aid of a hornbook, i noticed that the recycling bins in the library were full, so that they were overflowing and on the ground and generally making a mess. which makes sense since they are the only two recycling bins in the library, which is where we all spend all of our time during finals, fueling ourselves with beverages that come in recyclable cans and bottles. and i am pleased to see that we are such a recycling-conscious campus, even if it can get a bit messy at times.

anyways. i figured that since there are 4 recycling bins lurking outside the little classrooms at the end of the hall where no one spends much time at all during finals, they would be empty. which they were. so i took one into the library and filled it up with the overflow and moved it back to its original spot and then moved another to the library for future recyclers to utilize w/o having to resort to the ground.

anyways, the point of this all is that molly said this was a desperate attempt at procrastination. but, if i was leaving the library, with no intention of doing anything else productive tonight, can it really be procrastination? i say no. really i just thought it made sense to clean it up. i'm kinda wishing i had done the same thing with the paper products which are overtaking the library's computer lab, when there are other places to recycle white paper around the school. tho i suppose that at least white paper is less messy. and it is relegated to the corner of a small room, so at least it's mostly out of the way.

that is all.


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