Tuesday, May 23, 2006

billable hours! eek!

so i am aware that i shouldn't post about work stuff this summer, but i think that i can still post about inane things that just so happen to be about work, but i have been made very paranoid about the blog and the things that get out there, so hopefully i will censor myself appropriately, but if you happen to see anything that i should not have posted, will you tell me? please?

so today i received my first work assignment. it's for an M&A project and involves contract clauses! could you imagine anything more poorly suited for me as a first assignment? (this is ok to say b/c i explained this to the associate who assigned the project to me. she explained that she used to not have any idea what she was doing, and now she's down to not understanding about 50% of what she's doing, so i figure that's a good thing to know.) so now i figure that i will screw around at home for a few hours tonight trying to teach myself all of the contract law that michael p. dooley failed to teach me last year. not that i think having a contracts professor who taught us contracts law would actually answer this question at all, but at least the word "contract" wouldn't make me quiver with fear.

but none of that was what i was going to talk about.

billable hours. i am screwed. it turns out that i cannot refrain from sending emails and replying to emails. and i can spend an hour looking for something on the internet and sending email and all of a sudden 30 minutes has passed. that's "0.5" to those of you who are billing hours. so in addition to not being sure i can do the work, i don't know how i'm ever going to meet the billable hours. but mostly i'm jealous b/c rada has a billing code for "responding to email - nonbillable administrative time." we don't have one of those! i need one of those! how great would that be?!?! so i figure i'll just make up a code and start using that. i wonder how long it'll take for them to notice that i'm making up billing codes. actually, based on how seriously we take our billing, i doubt that would fly for long. and based on how seriously we take our billing, that would probably be more detrimental to the possibility of my getting an offer than jumping in a river in my underwear. well, maybe not. but equally so.

ok, that is all for now. i think i want a diet sprite. and a pop-tart. is that like dinner?


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