Tuesday, June 06, 2006

the tech guy does not loathe my company!

so many people had told me recently that a certain law tech guy with whom i believe myself to have fostered a friendship really hates it whenever i come in. some people think this is b/c my stories are terrible and some people said this b/c they just can't imagine that a tech person would appreciate any kind of visit. i knew that these people were wrong and that they did not know enough about the relationship b/t derek and i to form a knowledgeable opinion and realize that i really am great and my visits are cherished. however, i now have proof.

as you may know, i have recently been trying to delete emails from my sent box. i had emailed derek asking if this was a stupid thing to do. he replied promptly, tho this fact is irrelevant to the point i am trying to make. and then last night, at 1:30 in the morning, when i was supposed to be waking up at 5am, i found this email, which i forwarded along to him--

re: (minor) bundle problems

I am a 1L with a bundle. I’m having a couple of really minor problems that I was wondering if you could look at. The first is that since I installed the Microsoft update, my computer is me a security alert about a firewall. And the second is that I can’t access sites with cookies, despite the fact that the security settings are where they’re supposed to be. I don’t think it would take long at all, but was hoping to know when would be best for me to drop by.

Laura XXX

in my forward, i asked, "ahhhh, remember the good old days when i didn’t just drop by your office 47 times a day to bother you and i ASKED when i should come by?" of course there were a multitude of additional comments that i forwarded along, trying to remind him that we are friends and he misses me this summer. and to all of those who say that derek does not like my visits! you are wrong! and i know this b/c his reply was the following--

I miss the regular student visits visits so I am happy to get an email howdy.

and then there was more follow-up and details about his summer and even tho you could construe "student visits" broadly i know that he means me and my ray of sunshine that follows me around, so take that! take that!

i think that the people who told me that derek does not love my visits are other summers at my firm, and they will hopefully never read this, but at least now i know. and saunders, but he doesn't read this, and it's not like i take the things he says seriously anyways.


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