Tuesday, December 13, 2005

semper paratus, i always say

yes, i did just change my pants in the library.

i know that many people may find this to be a new low in the realm of my making myself right at home and moving in to the LS during finals. but i think there's no shame in it. i mean, i think there is no shame in keeping two meals in the fridge at all times, and cookies and fruit in my carrel, and a toothbrush and shorts and a t-shirt in my locker, and frequently having my contact case and glasses in my locker.

but when i went home at 5pm for my car, i still wanted to be cute. but i knew that before i went home, there would come a time when i wanted to be comfortable and lounge about in gray pants. so i came prepared. and now that that time is here, i sure am pleased i did it.

now back to tax law!


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