Friday, December 09, 2005

drive of death

so now that it is finals, i have a schedule that does not overlap with the schedule of many others. the fact that it is daylight and i am at the law school is something of a miracle. i am certainly the biggest proponent of the new 24-hour library during finals policy, and am generally about the last person to leave. last year, i left one morning at 7am, just to drive my car home and shower.

but that's generally irrelevant to the main part of this story. first of all, i am totally unaware of anything that is current events-related. this includes the weather. i learn these things from reading other people's away messages. so yesterday people were all talking about "ice" and "sleet" and whatnot. and molly was expressing concern that she should go home early and i was like, "um whatever," thinking that i would not worry about such things.

well, it turns out that molly's concern was well-placed. so i left the LS at about 4:30am. at which time, i discover there is snow. i had no idea. i had been inside for the previous 12 hours. and then, on top of that snow, there is a wintry mix that seems to have been falling for hours. and is now a nice layer of ice. on everything. i get some of this layer of ice off of my car, but i figure that no one else is on the road and so i don't worry too much about it. after all, this involves standing in the wintry mix, while your feet get wet. i drive 5 feet. it becomes clear i had better make more of an effort to be able to see out of my front window at least. anyways, in the end, it turns out that this doesn't matter at all b/c the "rain" is still falling and my windshield wipers are frozen and i still can't see out the front of my car and the streets aren't plowed and they are totally icy, and well, it was just no good. the upside of this is that the only other vehicles on the roads were the snow plows (thanks for getting there before me, guys) and i figure that if i wound up in a ditch, c-ville is small enough that they should have found me relatively quickly. anyways. i think it took me like 20 minutes to drive home from the LS and i nearly didn't make it up the hill under the bridge and it sucked.

so the moral of the story is that maybe you should know when there is going to be ice and you should go home early.


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