Sunday, July 08, 2007


so studying for the bar is....well, i wouldn't really know how it is. i am wholly unmotivated. it's really very sad. at first i thought i would get more motivated once it was july and the test got closer and all that, but no, no i have not. so now i am not only way behind on everything i was supposed to be doing, but i am just as unmotivated to do things now, and as an added problem, it seems that i did just enough work in the first month to be sick of studying.

also as an added problem, they seem to have left all the topics that make no sense at all to me until the last week of class, so not only am i unmotivated, but it just feels fruitless to try to learn secured transactions in two weeks.

oh, and i just keep wanting to plan for my bar trip. i mean, at least i get to still take the bar trip if i fail, but somehow it just doesn't seem right. i thought it was good that we had planned everything a while back, but i hadn't realized that that still left all the fun and excitement of planning and checking the weather for every city we will be in. neurotically.

i'm really not sure how much time two people can spend looking at rain jackets and toiletry bags for travel, but i think that jared and i have spent approximately 5 hours each of the last 3 days doing these things. and approximately 1 each day studying for the bar. if that. but i have a new toiletry bag! and new sneakers! that are light like air, but might pinch my feet. and a growing list of things to buy at target! oh how i long to go to target! target is way better than studying for the bar.

anyways. that is how things are in my life right now. if anyone is still reading. sometimes i still feel like i should post, but mostly i just suppress that b/c i feel like i should be studying. tho that generally degenerates into freecell pretty quickly. so maybe i should start back with the blogging. to keep future generations abreast of what really goes on when you "study for the bar."


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