Wednesday, July 25, 2007

i'm going to miss the bar

yes, i know that you'll all call me sick and wonder what's wrong with me. but i will. it's been a good summer. it's four hours of class a day. yes, i know it's early. but still. four hours. and then the rest of the day to do with as you will. i really should have been better about spending that time with my friends and whatnot, but still, that's my fault, not the bar's. and well, i can't explain it, i just didn't think it was really bad. plus, we were working towards something and i liked that. i can't explain it.

and i enjoyed sitting in the big room with 951 other people. it was such camaraderie! all that energy and nerves and a healthy dose of the sheer ridiculousness of it all. i mean, it was funny. the big plastic bags, the suits with sneakers, the 482 times they explained to you what your applicant number was. it was good stuff.

and now it's over and my life is all purposeless! (ok, so i have a month of travel to look forward to and i am uber-excited about that.)

but i think the real thing that makes me sad that the bar is over is what comes after.

the real world.

the real world comes next. and i just don't know if i'm ready for the real world. i have a strong suspicion i'm not really.


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