Friday, November 03, 2006

i came to T&E!

do you think it's irony if i haven't been in over a month (last class attended: sept. 28) and i come on the extra friday class at 9am, when about only half of the class ever shows up to any of these friday makeup classes? i think it's something.

people were telling me i should put my face in the crowd a few times, so that she doesn't wonder who the hell i am, but i am worried that that is exactly what i should not do. i mean, it's not like when she gives my blind grading number a grade she is going to pull up my photo and say, "i never saw this one in class." whereas i think that if i show up, then she'll be like, "hm, who is that girl i never see" and look me up and be onto me and now that i'm back in her memory i might have to start showing up consistently.

so as a compromise, i decided to dress in a way that makes it clear that i would never stand out in a crowd of 100 and to hope she figures that that must be why she never notices me.

but i'm starting to wonder if never coming to class was a mistake. particularly b/c when i do the reading, all i get is, “blah blah blah blah, property term laura does understand, words about where property goes, we want to do what the dead person wants, more words that make no sense to laura.” i wish i knew property law. then again, she uses all the words i don't get either, so i think i may just be a lost cause across the board. crap. that's 2 exams i'm going to fail this year.


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