Wednesday, October 11, 2006

i love UVA law!!

in the past week, when people around cville have asked me about school, i have said that i'm in law school here. to which they have replied something along the lines of, "oh dear god, i am so sorry!" which gets me very upset, so i reply that it's been the best three years of my life. now i'm not really sure if that is true b/c i have had a pretty good life and i sure did love college too, but the thing is that these people don't seem to understand that this is NOT a miserable 3 years. what i can't figure out is if they have any reason at all for thinking this in an informed sort of way and if their impression is based on law school in general or lawyers in general. and if it's about law school in general, then i'd be interested in knowing if it is as miserable as we've all been led to believe at other schools, or if it's just not like that anymore and we've all got pretty good lives.

b/c let's be honest--we at UVA law have got really good lives. and i think we've got it better than most, but based on how good this is, i can't imagine that it would truly be miserable elsewhere. maybe not as good. maybe no dandelion and no foxfields and no feb club, but don't you still have the best group of friends you've ever had and parties and camaraderie and a community where you know just about everyone [i appreciate that this isn't something that everyone enjoys, but i really do] and [this isn't the case for me, but i imagine that what most people like about law school is] the fact that you've finally gotten to an educational experience that is really what you want to be learning about and you're excited to finally have found that topic and to be in this intellectual environment where the people like to delve into the same questions you do [i am terrified of such situations, but like i said—i think others dig it]?

hell, i think that the reality is that i am very poorly suited for this. it’s the first time in my life that i’ve been really truly bad at something academic, and i am still not convinced that this is what i want to do with my life (and it’s even harder to buy into that whole ‘you can do anything with a law degree’ idea once you’re actually getting the law degree), but i wouldn’t have missed this three years for the world.

anyways, i would really be interested to know how different our 3 years are than that of students at other law schools. but no matter what the answer to that is, YAY for UVA LAW!!


Blogger Dellis said...

yeah, it's good stuff

9:00 PM  

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